

Declarations for your financial situation: 

I declare and decree God is working on my financial situation.  God has heard my prayers, seen my tears and is working everything out. I refuse to succumb to stress about a situation that is already handled. I trust in The Lord and have never seen the righteous forsaken. At this very moment, at this very hour, at this very second I dry the tears from my eyes, release a shout of victory unto you oh Lord! In the power of your mighty name, I count it done, Amen.

Declarations for your love life:

I declare and decree that God has perfect timing in bringing forth my husband/wife. God knows my desire to be married and will honor this in HIS timing. I know that this season of singleness is a preparation season. I ask you Lord to come into my heart and prepare me to be a wife/husband. I declare greatness over my future marriage and have already submitted myself and future spouse to you. In Jesus name, it is done, AMEN

Declarations for protection from your enemies:

I declare and decree that God has removed me from danger. I believe God for the removal of enemies posed as friends. I believe God is cleaning out people who mean me no good, he is taking care of it! In Jesus name, I believe it, AMEN