Archives for the month of: August, 2013



I want to touch on moving froward from your past relationships. I’ve been single for 2 years now and raising my daughter on my own. When I decided to leave my past relationship I WAS DONE. I went through the grieving stage, I went through the lonely stage and God picked me back up and made me whole in him. For some reason certain people feel the need to update me on my ex and it’s just ridiculous. I feel as though when you’ve been through a storm people need to realize it’s passed over and leave it alone.



God has already told us he knows the plans he has for us so we don’t need the past thrown in our face. It definitely disturbed my peace and I’m praying that the thoughts and things go away. It’s hard to tell someone hey I’m over it so I don’t need you bringing me his/her business. People get offended and think you are not over it turns into something bigger than it should be.



Being single has shown me so many different things but most importantly drew me so close to Christ. I now know my worth, not to compromise my standards, how to forgive, when to say this isn’t serving me so I can’t do this, and to wait on God for my husband. So when someone tries to take you back to an area God has delivered you from you just have to stop them in mid sentence. You have to inform them hey, I’m over that, I had dealt with that, I am new in Christ so I can’t allow you to bring that baggage into my heart.



My peace comes from the fact that God knows I’m honoring him. He knows that I am living to serve him with my mind, body and soul. When HE see’s fit to bless me with a spouse, he will. I don’t need updates on my past because my future is so much brighter. I am healed and complete in Christ so I don’t need to entertain the part of my life where I was broken, lost and ashamed. Let’s Pray!

Dear Gracious Father,

I thank you for being in my life, loving me, healing me and completing me in you. You are so gracious, so merciful and so amazing Lord. I come to you with a mind that’s been tainted by the past and ask that you once again clear it out. I’m new in you and I’m not going back to that woman I was so I ask that you continue to do a work in me. I thank you for delivering me from a horrible situation and giving me so much to look forward to in the future. In your mighty name we pray,




Raise your hand if you’ve been on the other side of this! Today I had a conversation of how far I’VE grown and my fellow Christian Sister met me with anger. She wanted to argue and tell me what I HAVEN’T done and don’t judge her. On our Christian walk I have mentors and I feel all Christians should have accountability buddies. I can admit my wrongs and go on & work on it. My fellow sister in Christ felt attacked & started a hour argument that just drained me.



I just fully believe that each day we should be growing, and if someone who hasn’t seen you in a year notices you are different that’s a plus. I KNOW for FACT God has done a major work in me so NOBODY can negate that. When you are on a spiritual walk you will have people saying “You aren’t any different so don’t tell me this/that”. You ARE different so they need to work on those things and you can excuse yourself from the conversation. They are battling other demons so you can’t let them distract you from your walk. They’ll gossip because they are still struggling to get to where you have already gotten. Pray for them and keep growing because they’ll catch up and thank you later for your wisdom.




People come to destroy your growth & you don’t let them knock you off the growth train. They are NOT who you have to impress, you are impressing God & working for him. 



So of course today is Sunday August 4th and I had an awesome church service. I walked in with my tithes in my purse and a smile on my face. Why? Because not even a year ago I was one of those people who didn’t know the importance of tithing. I would make excuses as to why I couldn’t pay them. My Pastor stood in front of the congregation and said ” People say they’re on a fixed income but remember who fixes your income.” I remember feeling like a knife went in my chest because that was my top excuse. I had the excuse of well I only have so & so dollars left so if I can’t give that last $60 because I need it. Let me tell you something GOD is supposed to get 10% of your income, that is HIS due. You are being faithful to him in paying your tithes because that shows him not only do you appreciate him for blessing you, but you trust him to supply your needs. 



GOD honors you for honoring him and he’s so proud of you for obeying his command. He will take care of ALL of your needs if you take care of his commands and you need to give with an open heart. He doesn’t want you angry you had to give, he wants you to have a smile on your face and a heart that trust him. I can honestly say when I tithed faithfully he poured so many blessing out to me that I honestly didn’t have room enough to receive them. Now I’ve gotten to the point of saying well I might have a $60 bill due but he’s getting his $60 in tithes. That’s the attitude I have about my tithes now, I trust him to refuel and refresh my finances.



I’m glad that I’ve reached the spiritual maturity to know that God WILL supply my needs. I don’t have to worry about my financial situation because when I honor him he’ll reward me. It’s so refreshing to bounce down that aisle with my tithes because I know how far I came from. I know that I didn’t have the mindset and faith to believe he’d have my back. I’m praying to him to bless me, not just financially but spiritually and to grow more. When I wasn’t paying my tithes my life felt it and I mean at an all time high. I was going through so many trials and tribulations, storms and I couldn’t catch a break. You should pay your tithes because it’s not your money to hold on to! He doesn’t want to hear ye of little faith, he wants to hear ye of great faith. He knows about your health, your employment needs, your mate wants and desires but if you can’t be faithful to him in something he requires, why would he give you the things you ask? You have to respect, honor, have faith in him and trust him to do his part but you have to do your part as well. Let’s Pray!

Father I come to you today thanking you for being God and being in my life. I thank you for being such an awesome healer, deliverer, provider and protector in my life. You are so amazing and I thank you for who you are to me God, I can’t imagine my life without you in it Father God. I ask that you continue to keep your arms wrapped around me. God I trust you to work out my situation, you know my needs and God I ask that you meet them. Thank you for giving me an income to be able to give you 10% out of. You are so wonderful God, I’m so grateful and thankful God for ALL you do in my life. In your awesome & mighty name I pray,



In today’s society we notice television, music, billboards and all types of things that are fed to our eye gates are full of lust. It’s very easy to confuse lust and love with because we haven’t read in our bibles what love truly is. You know when you’re with that man/women they make you feel special, call you all the time and take you out and you just enjoy each others company. Then we do the ultimate no-no and tie our souls with these people and BOOM, all hell breaks loose. Why? Because we aren’t living in God’s will. 



In the bible God clarified love with the bible verse above 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. It’s amazing how we tell people we love them and it’s been lust all along. I can see that in my past relationships it didn’t align with these scriptures so I was never in love or loved by a man other than God and Jesus Christ. When you are in lust it’s the physical connection that clouds our vision to knowing what love really is. This is why the physical connection was approved only to your husband or wife. God doesn’t want you sharing the temple that is your body with anyone and everyone.



When we engage in love and courtship that’s approved by God. Women God made the man the pursuer so that means you don’t go chose a husband. HE who finds a wife not SHE who stalks a husband as my good friend Mimi Atkins says. Men you are supposed to be pure, have your ducks lined in a row so you can take on a wife and provide for your family. The problem these days is we have started to Lust each other so we will make families before even knowing the person fully. Ignoring that we aren’t married, he’s unemployed, she’s a frequent club goer and expect the fullness and realness of the relationship. We involve ourselves in situations where we are unequally yolked and knows he won’t be a provider and that she won’t be a home maker and then complain about them. God has a plan for your love life, he KNOWS who he will send in your life for the rest of your life. Don’t be blinded by lust and how sweet he/she is on the eyes. Don’t ignore the fact that God is going to send you someone who will honor, love and respect you. Pray for your future mate even though you don’t know who they are. Work on yourself so you can sustain a marriage and not take nasty attitudes and egos into your marriage. NEVER forget that God has a plan for your love life and just be still and wait for him. Don’t taint your mind with provocative music, television shows and people who only come to knock you off your walk with God.