Archives for the month of: December, 2013

So I want to send a special shout out to Ms Brittney as busy as she is, she made time to fill out my feature questionnaire. She not only gave biblical answers but she also gave some great insight on starting your own ministry guidelines! Sis I thank you soooo much for being willing and open to share this journey. As I told you in our email, you inspire and encourage me daily and I can’t thank you enough for being such a beautiful vessel for Christ! Without further ado, Brittney Moses!!!!!!!

Ministry Feature


  • Tell me about yourself?

My name is Brittney Moses. Im the mother of (currently 4 year old) Austin Moses. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and recently moved to Dallas, Texas in January 2013. I was raised in the church but fell away in my teenage years after the divorce of my parents which led to a downfall of cutting, stealing, smoking, clubbing, drinking, and entering numerous broken relationships among other things. I met my husband in high school where we got pregnant at eighteen causing us to settle down quite a bit. Shortly after having my son we got saved, baptized and married. We dedicated ourselves to the mission of the church- giving, serving and growing. I spent about three years in the valley and in the shadows growing my personal relationship with Christ, Studying the Word in depth, empowering and increasing my prayer life. Our lost generation became an extremely heavy burden on my heart after living that lifestyle and seeing so many broken and confused around me. Years later God planted the Unashamed Impact mission in my heart to gather, equip and send out a generation in their God given purpose. Since then we’ve become a worldwide organization of young people reaching out to the community and living our lives according to the Word of God. Outside of Unashamed Impact I love the arts- music, dancing, dramas, musicals, writing and anything creative. I studied musical theater and film in school and did competitive figure skating when I was younger. Most people dont know that side of me.

  • What brought you to starting your ministry?

When I really began to take my faith seriously and walk out this Christian lifestyle I shortly found myself feeling lonely. Not only was I now a teenage mother but I was a Christian and took on a life that was very much in contrast with the world around me and all my friends. I soon lost everything that sin gave me. It was bittersweet to be torn away from my old life. As I lost the world around me I also was pushing closer to Christ. It was an interesting dynamic. Then I began to feel hurt for those who were trapped in the empty lifestyle I was now free from. My brother was in a gang and many of my friends were still broken. I realized young people just didnt have many examples of what it looks like to live a healthy lifestyle in Christ. Many didnt know how.

I’d been tweeting a while based on my experience and learnings of Christ which began to gather a following. I began a blog and started writing encouraging letters to young believers to press on in their faith and that they’re not alone and to not compromise for the pressures of this lost world. I began recieving a lot of feedback and readers from other countires. They told me how alone they felt in their faith- that they felt like they were the only ones their age that really followed Christ. But what if we gathered every young believer across the world to represent a generation after Christ? What if we lead the rest of out generation out of their brokenness and to Christ by example? Who better to identify with then your own peers? Thats when Unashamed Impact birthed in my heart. God began to flood me with ideas, plans, sturcture. It started with a youtube video of the vision and from there became a worldwide organization that later evolved into the four main points of Fellowship, Being an Example, Evangelism, and Community Outreach. I give God the glory that we can be a part of His Kingdom plan.

  •  What does your ministry teach women?

The ministry isn’t geared toward a specific gender but the overall focus is to teach them how to live out their God given purpose, how to have a growing relationship with Christ, how to uphold your value in Christ and not compromise for who the world tries to make you out to be.

  • Do you promote celibacy?

Yes. We encourage living our lives governed by the Word of God which includes saving yourself for marriage. I like to say sex is Gods wedding gift to you. =)

This is very important to me being a married woman who didnt save herself for marriage. It distorted my view of sex into something dark, lusty and preverted when it is suppose to be a beautiful way to become one with your spouse and communicate a pure love. Going into a marriage with this perverted image of sex as a born again Christian can damage and rip you off of sacred intimacy with your spouse. I believe God knows whats best for us and ordains it this way for many reasons.

  •  What’s one piece of advice you give to a wife in waiting who’s growing impatient?

A couple things:

1. Use this time to focus on and learn more about you. I will speak from personal experience and getting married young. Once you become married or a mother your family becomes your life. If you arent secure in who you are, if you are still dealing with brokenness, etc it will carry into your family. No ones perfect so there will always be things you can fix about yourself but if you focus on becoming whole in Christ it will only create an opportunity for an even healthier marriage. Use this waiting time to do the things you like! Take a dance class, travel a bit, meet new people and make friends. Take advantage of these things now! Also think of yourself as married to Christ until your married to your husband (even though it carries on past that). Dont forget your first love- Christ. Spend time with him, cry at his feet, read his love letter to you (The Bible). No man will make you whole. Dont give men Jesus expectations because they are imperfect and your husband may dissapoint you on many ocassions.

2. Stop rushing. Whoever you marry is going to be your LIFETIME partner. You will have the REST of your life to spend with them verses maybe the few years you’re single. Not only that but the Bible says not to “awaken love before its due”. You probably know as well as I do that entering relationships prematurely and outside of Gods timing only leads to future confusion, hurt and possible brokenness. If it isnt Gods plan for you then why work against it? You’ll only wind up hurting yourself and asking “why? why did this happen? why does this always happen to me? I cant keep a solid man.” No, this is a result of entering premature relationships for the sake of being desperate. You can be alone without being lonely. Enjoy you, love you, sing to you, dance with yourself. Like I said previously, do the things you love that drive your God given passions and contribute to those around you. Men love a woman who knows and enjoys herself. You can smell co dependancy from a mile away. Dont become a mans project, become his queen- someone who can stand strong beside him, comfortable in who she is without or without him.

  •  How has starting your own ministry changed your life?

I dont even know where to start. But honestly, its increased my faith, shown me what it really means to be a slave to Christ and the importance of our family in Christ.

Unashamed Impact is a very organic organization right now. Everything thus far has been out of pocket besides donations here and there. But when we decide were going to do a mission whether feeding the homeless, an orphanage, or providing gifts for Christmas we dedicate ourselves to it and God ALWAYS shows through. Many of us take a hit in our finances to see others impact by this mission and I believe God honors that everytime. The way we’ve grown, the way we’ve been able to provide and that lives that have changed because of this have increased my faith and trust in him tremendously. Sometimes we dont know how things are going to happen but they do.

Starting this ministry has caused me to sacrifice a lot. Time, finances, emotions, etc and pour pour pour into people. Sometimes he calls us to do things we dont feel like doing. But theres a conviction in you that leaves with no choise BUT to help, but to obey, but to give. When you truly stand for the mission he’s given you you find that others who dont know him will hate you for it. Its really shown me the meaning of slave and sacrifice. Its worth it every day.

  •  What advice would you give to a woman who’s interested in starting a ministry but doesn’t know how to start?

I would definitely pray on it and ask for confirmation. You don’t want to start up something just for the sake of doing it or just off a good idea. When God gives you a calling you’re fueled by it and fulfilled in it. You’re willing to do whatever it take for it within Gods will of course. You’re ready to dedicate yourself to it and it feels natural when youre doing it. The last thing we want to do is try to make something work thats outside of Gods eill.

For starters I would write out the vision and make it clear: The Mission, The Purpose, and How the Purpose of the mission is going to be fulfilled. Through what actions? I would use all social media outlets: twitter, facebook page, website with blog, instagram and the specific places God my lead you.

If you plan on really taking this into a full fledged ministry/organization you’ll want to go online and make sure the name isnt already taken and get your DBA (Doing Business As) it basically gives you a claim on the name. From their you try to raise funds to get it incorporated (we did ours through the secretary of state). Legalzoom is a pretty common way. Lawyers charge crazy amounts but if you know someone in that field who can help, dont hesitate to ask!

Definitely plan on having a team. The worst and most burdensome thing you can do is trying to do everything on your own. At the beginning of course itll be mostly you, but the more you share the vision and bring people on or others show interest you’ll want to distribute the tasks and give everyone clear responsibilities. This way you wont burn out and can also focus on the vision and pushing that forward. You have positions like an administrative asst, social media person to run your social sites, maybe an event planner, whichever way the cards fall.


(my personal is full but you can subscribe)

Twitter: @Brittney_Moses

Instagram: @BrittneyMoses

Ministry: UnashamedImpact

Image (photo credit:

So it’s the holiday season and you’re starting to see all your married friends family pictures, your friends with their boyfriends and people arranging trips to go home for the holidays. You’re sitting home single and just can’t believe it’s been 5 months, 1 year, 2 years and so forth of you being single. I know you can grow restless in your waiting on God for a mate so I’m here to reassure you that singleness is NOT a disease and get you through your lonely nights.

1. Realize that you are single for a reason: Whether you are recently out of a relationship because of “growing apart”, infidelity, or you realized he/ she wasn’t the one, this is a time to regroup. Coming out of a relationship is very hard, especially if you’ve created a soul tie (will be discussed in a future blog) to someone. You need to realize you left that situation for a reason so don’t fret about being single.

2. DO NOT STALK YOUR EXES SOCIAL MEDIA: If I had $1 for every time someone ran my exes information back to me, I’d be rich! Do not go looking at an old flames Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or e.t.c trying to see what or who they have going on. Realize it’s NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS what they are up to!!! It’s only going to cause you to become sad, depressed and make hell for you to survive the Christmas holiday. Think about it, you’re going to be playing your sad cd with a bottle of Patron looking really ridiculous!

3. Make sure you go spend time with your family: I don’t know about you but cooking on Christmas and enjoying some nice gospel music with my family brings me such joy. You get to be surrounded by family you may have not seen in awhile, eat great food and act silly and not be judged for it!

4. You get to enjoy a quiet house: Oh how I miss those years before becoming a mother! Don’t get me wrong, my daughter is an amazing gift, couldn’t imagine life without her but I MISS SLEEP! When you’re single you control you’re schedule, after work you can just enjoy a nice bubble bath, a glass of wine or even stay up late on Friday nights.

5. You have uninterrupted time with God: When you have a boyfriend or become married you may lose focus on studying your word, going to bible study and your prayer life may even suffer. Sometimes you pray and believe God for your mate and once you get them, it becomes GOOD LOOKING OUT JESUS,BYE! Don’t look at the screen like that, IT DOES HAPPEN! Being single you have time to get lost in your bible, serve in a ministry and fulfill your dreams. The season of singleness is the PERFECT time to figure yourself out, not sit around twiddling your thumbs.

6. Realize this is just a season: You won’t always be single so enjoy the motions of this season. I know when you’ve been single for a substantial amount of time you start thinking you’re going to die single. It’s NOT true, God just hasn’t said it’s your time so if you are submitting to him and following his word, he’ll send him/her. You have standards that you aren’t willing to compromise right? So just have FAITH and PATIENCE in what God is doing!  Let’s Pray!

Dear Lord,

I thank you for waking me this morning, I thank you for keeping me safe, I thank you for being an awesome provider and for loving me in spite of all my flaws. I ask for your forgiveness for any sins I’ve committed today and ask you to create in me a clean heart. I ask that you bring me peace in my season of singleness. I ask that you wrap your arms around me in my times of loneliness and guide me on your path. I understand this is just a temporary situation and trust you to bring a man/ woman into my life in your timing. Forgive me for being impatient and wanting to go before your plans. Your ways breed the best results so I’ll stand still and trust in you to bring my heart’s desires to pass. I love you Lord and you are so amazing, you’re awesome and so worthy to be praised. In Jesus name I pray,



I wanted to switch it up so I reached out to Wives In Waiting for a feature on ministry.  Mrs.Truscott and her camp were willing to share her ministry with the world and it’s amazing. For ladies like myself you’re going to be inspired and encouraged to go beyond your comfort zone and step into what God has for you! ENJOY!

Ministry Feature

  1. Tell me about yourself?

Born in California but raised in Texas. I’ve been married for 6 ½ to the man of my dreams and we have 1 daughter but believing God for more. God has called me to be a Titus 2 woman: pouring into other women the wisdom He has given me.

  1. What brought you to starting your ministry?

When I was single and in the beginning of my marriage I struggled with truly giving my life to God. I wanted to control everything but I didn’t realize that my life was out of control. When I really submitted to God He revealed the areas where I needed to surrender to Him

  1. What does your ministry teach women?

It guides women in honoring their commitment to God first, whether they are single or married. I focus on submitting to God with your whole heart and in every area in their life so they can have successful relationships with their friends, family, and current/future husbands. I teach semi-monthly webinars that focus on emotional, physical, mental, and emotional wholeness.

  1. Do you promote celibacy?

I do. Soul ties are real and cause more damage to our souls than they do to our bodies. Being spiritually attached to someone other than your spouse makes it difficult to connect with the one God chose for you.

  1. What’s one piece of advice you give to a wife in waiting who’s growing impatient?

Waiting on God is not about doing nothing but preparing for what you’re waiting on God. While they’re waiting on God, He may be waiting on them to fulfill their assignment.

  1. How has starting your own ministry changed your life?

It has shown me that I am a work-in-progress just like the members of Wives in Waiting. I have areas I need to work on as a wife to God and to my husband. Just because I’m not waiting on a husband doesn’t mean I’m not waiting for God to do anything else I need Wives in Waiting just as much as any other woman.

  1. What advice would you give to a woman who’s interested in starting a ministry but doesn’t know how to start?

Seek God’s direction and be humble enough to have wise counsel. Make sure you’re a good follower, can help someone else with their vision before you start one of your own.


Twitter: @mrsctruscott

Instagram: @mrsctruscott



Celibacy Feature

Tell me about yourself 

 I am a novelist, public servant and speaker. Oftentimes, I am summoned to speak with youth and young adults, as it pertains to healing, celibacy and education. My recent publication, What Are You Bringing to the Table, has garnered the attention of individuals nationwide as I endeavored to encourage women to take OFF their safari jackets. The focus needs to be on Becoming “The One,” as opposed to Finding“The One.” After all, relationships start in the Mirror, not in the Sheets…


What brought you to the celibacy lifestyle? 

Through the grace of God, I have been able to maintain my virginity for 32 years.


How has being celibate changed your life?

It has enabled me to think more clearly due to the fact that once you get involved with someone sexually it can certainly cloud your judgment. I am more inclined to discern the hearts of those with false intentions and motivate women to join me in the process to work on as many of our unresolved issues as possible.


Do you believe celibacy is something that all women should practice?

Absolutely! Every single woman should practice celibacy. There are entirely too many diseases to engage in casual sex. Your body should be a gift to your husband, not a convenience for your friend.  Engaging in premarital sex during monogamous relationships is still considered fornication. If at all possible, children deserve the opportunity to grow up in solid, two parent household structures (ordained by God of course.


What advice would you give to women struggling with deciding to become celibate?

Get to the root of the issue! Are you engaging in pre-marital sex because you fear losing the guy to someone else? Is your body all you have to offer? Are you continuing to have sex because you have already lost your virginity so you think your body is no longer valuable? Waiting until marriage to have sex does NOT guarantee happily ever after, but neither does premarital sex. We live in a sex-crazed society; therefore, you have to be mindful of the company you keep. Don’t half-step the process. For example, if you’re giving up cake, you don’t eat the icing. In simpler terms, no adult toys, oral sex or games to see how close you can get before you cross the line. You wouldn’t get half as many heartbreaks if you worked on your issues and make your body off limits until marriage.


What do you say to the women in a relationship who’s been sexually active with her boyfriend and believes she can’t stop having sex with him now because she’s already started?

If –and I mean if- God has ordained for you and your boyfriend to be together, what’s hindering you both from getting married? If you both have committed to cell phone contracts, mortgages, rent, leases, etc, then what’s prohibiting the ultimate commitment? Just because you’ve already started something, does Not mean you can’t stop. If you’re like me, you can attest to the fact that you’ve already started eating more than you should over the years and that is no excuse to continue an unhealthy lifestyle.


What words of wisdom do you want to share with our sisters in Christ regarding Celibacy?

Once you really see yourself as a prize, you won’t let just anyone unwrap you. Don’t allow another person to see you in your honeymoon aura, if you have never made it to the honeymoon.



Instagram: Sherees_Mirror_Project

Twitter: @sheree_inc